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Compassion-Based Therapy for Grieving Individuals
Earn 1 Credit for Technique Module toward
Certification in Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction
or Certification in Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses
Offered by the Portland Institute.
Presented by
Darcy L. Harris, RN, RSW, PhD, FT
Associate Professor and Thanatology Coordinator
King's University Collage, London, Canada
Faculty Mentor
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition
USD$99 for 3-hour module
Compassion-based approaches have been widely supported through recent research in the field with diverse populations. These approaches are of specific interest in bereavement due to their capacity-building effect for clinicians and clients alike. Training in compassion has demonstrated enhanced ability to tolerate distress, maintain focus, and discern clinical interventions that are appropriate for clients in a variety of contexts. Cultivating a compassionate stance provides clinicians with the opportunity to engage clients with their full attention and presence, allowing openness and receptivity for both the painful and the adaptive aspects of the client’s process.
Participants will explore the applications of Compassion-Focused Therapy (CFT; Gilbert) in working with grieving clients. The session will also include the use of a validated measure to consider the role of self-compassion in therapeutic work for both the clinician and clients.
Define compassion as it relates to the therapeutic process in bereavement-related settings;
Describe the value of cultivating compassionate awareness in clinical work with grieving clients; and
Identify compassionate practices that will enhance clinical practice skills.
Note: Completion of this program (total 3-hour activity, including approximately 2-hour recorded webinar and 1-hour reflection) and return of the Responsive Journal satisfies 1 Technique Module required for Certification in Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction or Certification in Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses.
This program contains the following video segments:
- Understanding Compassion: The Five-Fold Path (26 mins)
Compassion Training: Intention and Expression (29 mins)
The Three-Circle Model: Threat, Drive, and Soothing (23 mins)
Self-Compassion: Applications in Grief and Loss (29 mins)
Case study analysis for use with the Three-Circle model of emotion regulation;
Self Compassion Scale, with scoring instructions and resources;
Guided meditation for compassion cultivation in daily life; and
The Responsive Journal that, upon completion and return, confers 1 credit of Technique Module leading to Certification in Grief Therapy as Meaning Reconstruction or Certification in Grief Therapy for Non-Death Losses.
Darcy L. Harris, RN, RSW, PhD, FT is an Associate Professor and the Thanatology Coordinator at King’s University College in London, Canada, where she also maintains a private clinical practice specializing in issues related to change, loss, and transition. Darcy developed the undergraduate degree program in Thanatology at King’s University College. She has served on the board of directors of the Association for Death Education and Counseling and is a current member of the International Work Group on Death, Dying, and Bereavement. She is a series co-editor for Routledge Publishing Company’s Death, Dying, and Bereavement Series. Her publications include Counting our Losses: Reflecting on Change, Loss, and Transition in Everyday Life (Routledge), Grief and Bereavement in Contemporary Society: Bridging Research and Practice (Routledge), Principles and Practice of Grief Counseling (Springer), The Handbook of Social Justice in Loss and Grief: Exploring Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Routledge), and Non-Death Loss and Grief: Context and Clinical Implications (Routledge). Darcy serves as a faculty mentor with the Portland Institute for Loss and Transition.
Darcy L. Harris,

USD$99 for 3-hour module
For other enquiries, simply email Carolyn.