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Technical FAQs
PI Website System and Store
1. The website is not displaying properly.
We suggest to download and update to the latest version of Firefox (version 70+) and Chrome (version 83+) for Mac and Windows users, and Safari (version 13+) for Mac users, to get the optimal browsing experience of the website. As the Store page is not optimized for mobile browsing, we suggest to view the Store page using a desktop or laptop.
2. I am not able to sign up as a PI Site Member.
Please make sure that you are at the Membership Registration page: and you have entered all of the necessary information.
3. My email has been registered as PI Site Member.
You have probably registered as our Site Member before. Please try to retrieve your password at the Login page: using "Forgot password?" below the “Log in” button. If you are certain that you have not registered before, please kindly email Lavender at: to seek assistance for the registration process.
4. I want to enroll in the Certification Program, but the system does not allow me to add this order to my Shopping Cart.
Our system can only process your Certification Program Enrollment after we record your Learner Profile. Please kindly complete your Learner Profile at the Account page: before proceeding for your Enrollment and/or Onsite Component Registration.
5. I am not able to see my Progress Tracker after enrolling in the Certification Program.
Usually the Progress Tracker will be enabled immediately after your enrollment and it can be found under “My Purchase” (on the left-hand column) on your Account page. If you cannot see it there, please try to log out and log in again. In case your Progress Tracker remains not enabled, please kindly email Lavender at
6. I have difficulties registering for Onsite Components.
a. I cannot submit the Registration Form.
All of the fields with the * mark are mandatory fields. Please make sure that you complete all the required fields before proceeding for payment.
b. The email address cannot be edited after logging in.
The email address is your Username for PI site membership. It cannot be changed after you log in as it is connected to your Certification Program and the credits system.
7. I do not have a PayPal account to process payment.
It is not necessary to register as a PayPal member in order to pay for your order. You can choose to check out as a PayPal guest and use your preferred credit card for payment. Please see the screenshot below for the following steps:
a. Select the icon of your preferred credit card underneath the “Pay with PayPal” button;
b. Change the “Country” if you do not reside in the United States;
c. Enter your preferred credit card information.