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Working Together: Grief Therapy for Suicide Loss
Earn 1 Credit for Orientation Module toward
Certification in Grief Therapy Suicide Bereavement,
Offered by the Portland Institute.
Earn 3 Continuing Education (CE) Credits
Portland Institute for Loss and Transition is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Portland Institute for Loss and Transition maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
Presented by
John Jordan, PhD
Licensed Psychologist
Rebecca Ladd, MA
Educator & Artist
USD$99 for 3-hour module /
USD$124 for CE Credits
The loss of a loved one to suicide can be devastating, and healing sometimes requires the support of a skilled mental health clinician. In this two-module series, a grief therapist who specializes in working with suicide loss survivors and a mother who lost her young adult son to suicide will together describe their journey through her mourning process. This module focuses on the psychological work that suicide loss survivors typically need to do to recover from the loss. The therapist must work with the client to accomplish the following clinical tasks: develop a strong alliance, contain the trauma, create a narrative about what happened and why it happened, develop a “coping toolbox”, repair the relationship with the deceased, and find meaning in the suicide. Ms. Ladd will describe in her own words what was helpful (and not helpful) about this therapy process. She will also discuss some of the changes in her grief that occurred over the course of her sessions. Video clips of the therapeutic techniques will also be shared, including EMDR, guided visualization, and Induced After Death Communication (IADC). Time will be allotted for questions and comments from the audience.
Note: This 3-hour CE module focuses on topics related to psychological practice, education, or research other than application of psychological assessment and/or intervention methods that are supported by contemporary scholarship grounded in established research procedures.
Describe the main tasks that survivors must accomplish in order to integrate the loss into their life narrative;
Identify the important characteristics of the relationship between therapist and client that foster healing; and
Summarize at least three clinical techniques that may be of use in helping suicide loss survivors achieve their goals of adapting to this uniquely challenging form of loss.
Note: Completion of this program and return of the Responsive Journal satisfies 1 Orientation Module required for Certification in Grief Therapy for Suicide Bereavement.
This program contains the following video segments:
- Integrating Suicide Loss: Goals of Treatment (42 mins)
Containing the Trauma: Creating a Narrative (48 mins)
Self-Regulation and Sense-Making: Creating a Toolbox (37 mins)
Repairing the Relationship: Toward Posttraumatic Growth (41 mins)
A PDF copy of the presentation slides;
The tasks of loss integration after suicide;
Attachment-informed grief therapy with suicide loss survivors;
Special challenges and techniques in grief therapy;
Impact on the caregiver of working with suicide bereavement; and
The Responsive Journal that, upon completion and return, confers 1 Orientation Module required for Certification in Grief Therapy for Suicide Bereavement.
Psychologists, social workers, counselors, art / music / expressive arts therapists, pastoral care personnel, healthcare professionals, bereavement volunteers
To qualify for the 3 CE Credits, please kindly note that:
Completion of watching the entire recorded module is required to receive CE credits. No partial credit is awarded.
You are required to complete a CE quiz after watching the recording. An overall score of 75% or higher within three attempts is required to obtain CE credits.
The certificate of CE credits will be issued to you upon your submission of a participant evaluation form.
Disclosure Statement
This recorded module is not supported financially by a manufacturer of any commercial product and there is no sale of any product or publication during the recorded session. There is no known conflict of interest for this CE module or the presenting faculty.
The module materials will be emailed to the learners upon completion of purchase.
Guest Presenters
John (Jack) Jordan, PhD is a licensed psychologist in private practice in Pawtucket, Rhode Island, where he has specialized in work with survivors of suicide and other traumatic losses for more than 45 years. He served as the Clinical Consultant for the Grief Support Services of the Samaritans in Boston, Massachusetts, and was the Professional Advisor to the Loss and Healing Council of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP). He also served as the Co-Chair of the Survivors of Suicide Loss Task Force of the National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention. In 2015, this Task force released postvention guidelines for the United States, titled Responding to Grief, Trauma, and Distress After Suicide: U.S. National Guidelines. For over 45 years, Jack has also provided training nationally and internationally for professional caregivers, and has helped to lead many healing workshops for suicide loss survivors. Jack has published over 50 clinical and research articles, chapters, and full books in the areas of the practice of grief therapy, bereavement after suicide, support group models, the integration of research and practice in thanatology, and loss in family and larger social systems. He is the co-author of four books: After suicide loss: Coping with your grief (2nd ed.) (2015, self-published); Grief after suicide: Understanding the consequences and caring for the survivors (Routledge, 2011), Devastating losses: How parents cope with the death of a child to suicide or drugs (Springer, 2012); and Attachment-informed grief therapy: The clinician’s guide to foundations and applications (Routledge, 2016).
John (Jack) Jordan, PhD

Rebecca Ladd, MA is an educator, artist, classical musician, and dog lover. She spent 30 years as a reading specialist. After the suicide death of her son in 2010, she has slowly transformed into a new person. She embraced the deep grief and the changes that have come. She is now focused on sharing her story and the tools used for the evolution. She welcomes all questions and feels she has many skills to help others both understand the trauma of violent death and the steps needed for healing. She sings classical music, creates all types of art, especially woodturning and mandala making, and she is attuned to the natural world, adores all dogs, and loves the absurd.
Rebecca Ladd, MA

USD$99 for 3-hour module /
USD$124 for CE Credits
For other enquiries, simply email Carolyn.